Oh man! So my birthday weekend was a whirlwind. I do mean whirlwind. I had such a great time with friends and family that it was just crazy.
Friday night Zach, Geoff, Chris, Clint, and I hung out and played board games. Clint decided to pull out some games from the closet upstairs. Here's what he emerged with:
Key to the Kingdom
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Board Game
Clint has had Key to the Kingdom since before we were together. I had heard stories about the days he, Randy, and Bryan used to play this game, and how it could last for hours! I soon learned this first hand. Even though the game didn't last for hours and hours we did play it for at least 1.5 hours and that was only one game. When then switched to the Buffy game, and played several games of that. Overall it was a good night.
Saturday was spent getting ready for the awesome KICKBALL party. It was epic. We had about 20 people or so hanging out and playing kickball. We played kickball for several hours and then ate and hung out. Once it got dark we started playing board games and kickin' it. Scott came up from Branson for the weekend (poor Sarah was at home sick) and Aaron came up.
Sunday (my actual birthday) was spent recovering from the night before and having lunch with my family. Mom, dad, and grandma come up for lunch. We went to 75th Street Brewery and hung out. Since it was sooooo nice, we sat in the yard when we got back. Dade was running around playing and riding his tricycle while we sat there. After they went home Clint, Dade and I took a nap because we were all super tired. Later that night a play-test went down and things were learned. (Not giving any information away!!! Check RMMS if you want info!)
Last night I just wanted to curl up on the couch and watch movies, but I had class. We did watch a pretty stellar movie though! Enemy From Space (Quartermass 2 in the UK). I'm digging this class. I'm learning ALOT about Science Fiction films. In a few weeks, we shift our focus to Horror!!
Tonight Barb came up to celebrate my birthday. She had a meeting in Lee's Summit, so Clint and Dade took me to school today and then picked me up so we could get there faster. We ate at On The Border, had some tasty food. I also got to hang out with Shannon tonight. It was nice to just hang out with her and chat about things that are going on in our super busy lives, and to help each other figure out ways to make things go better, or brainstorm new and fun things.
Sitting in a peaceful house, listening to small great music is something that I needed. Clint's out editing MECHA at a local Coffee Shop (I believe One More Cup), Dade is asleep, and Slinky is perched on my shoulder looking out the window that is blowing in wonderful fall air! It's only 9:20, but I'm going to take myself upstairs and put something on NetFlix to watch.
26 feels like 25. Nothing new.
I feel like I'm starting to come into a new person. Ever so slowly. I feel like getting the tattoo at the beginning of the summer was a stepping off point of the person I've always wanted to head towards. I've taken a huge role into the Publishing Imprint with Clint. I've got several local cons lined up in the next few months for Clint to head to. We have sooooooo many projects in line for Red Moon Medicine Show, that it's crazy!!!
I looked into Dreamation 2010 and compared the dates with what my school calendar looks like. It looks like that I might be able to take off and go with Clint this year! I'm anxious to run a game of his current project, and help with that arena.
Ahhhh. . . so many things to do. Alas, so little time.
1 comment:
My friend Aaron had (still has, I think) Key to the Kingdom when we were kids. Best game EVER!
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