
Sunday, December 06, 2009

Where did October and November go?

Really?  It's December 6th?  How in the world did that happen?  I can't believe that Christmas is almost here, let alone the end of another year.  I honestly can't believe that the past 2 months have flown by so quickly.  There's been so much going on in our busy world, it's hard to know where to start. 

I guess I'll start with Halloween, since I didn't blog about it.  Dade really enjoyed it!   By the end of the night he was knocking on the doors saying "Thank You" when he got his candy.

Here he is in his costume.  No, he's not a bear!  He's an Ewok.  He even corrected someone while we were out and about.

Dade was very excited over his pumpkin!  He didn't want to stick his hand into the pumpkin, but he did like playing with the "guts" inside a bowl.

Here' we are walking up to one of the houses in Knob.

Notice, that we've lost the hood at this point!  But he still had a great time!


Now for our every day life for October and November!  There's been some pretty EPIC sword fights going on in the house between Dade and Clint!  So EPIC that one night, I was able to capture some pictures before being taken hostage by Dade!


These sword battles are EPIC and involved A LOT of yelling and screaming (as most battles do).  Dade tends to be the winner in most battles, but sometimes, Clint gets lucky and wins!

Alright, now November!!!

Dade wanted to make sure that Clint ate all of his salad.  Dade loves salad, which is good, because I don't! 

Again, Dade the helper, he was making sure that I was doing my homework, and that I understood my assignment.

Enjoying a fun time at a birthday party for his cousin!

I'm pretty sure if Clint would have let go, Dade would have went flying over the nursing home.

We were not impressed with the Merry-Go-Round (if we were on it) or Santa Claus!

Thanksgiving was a rough one!  He was so tired that he fell asleep on the chair.

By rough, I mean Dade was rough with a pup that isn't used to small children.  Notice the bite mark on his face.  No worries though! He recovered once he got a cookie! 

Our Christmas tree! We like it simple!  No ornaments on the trees! No big decorations. This is the extent of our decorations, with the exception of the lights outside.

With my graduate classes done until the end of January, I know will have time to do some blogging!  We have almost all our shopping done!  Just have a few more people to buy for and then we are done.  I have 2 weeks of teaching left.  My last day of work is the 18th!

I have a cookie swap next Saturday (December 12th), then Krause Christmas the next day.  On the 19th, Clint and I are finally hosting our Murder Mystery Dinner, and then off to a Chili Christmas the next night.  Our December, as always, is full and busy! 

I hope that everyone's holidays go well!

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