
Monday, January 25, 2010

Eggcellent Child

Dade has a fascination for the carton of eggs.  2 weeks ago he woke up Clint with a carton of eggs.  Mind you, they nap upstairs in our room. Dade, having awoken before his daddy, opened the bedroom door, walked down stairs to the kitchen, opened the fridge door and grabbed the carton of eggs.  He then walked all the back upstairs with the full carton, and set them on the night-stand next to Clint.  He then told Clint to "wake up."  Imagine Clint's surprise when he saw the eggs next to him.  Luckily, no eggs were harmed in this instant.

Today, however, it was a different story!  Dade again, being rather sneaky, got into the fridge and got the carton of eggs (different carton I bought a few days ago), and took them to the couch.  Now, Clint was literally out of the room for a minute or so.  What Clint first noticed was the soy sauce sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor.  He put it back into the fridge and then went into the living room, where he found the carton completely smashed on the couch. Eggs everywhere!  Thank goodness we paid the extra money for Scotch-guard when we bought the couch.  Clint was able to get the gooey mess cleaned up, and at one point Dade helped wipe the couch down with a damp rag.

I now have to figure out how to lock my fridge from Dade.  The kid is going to ruin all our food!

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