I'm housing sitting for my parents this week, while they are on their cruise. I'm so jealous right now, because they are on a plane to sunny Miami, and here I am in Knob Noster where is cold, rainy, and dreary! At least I get a solid week with my Dader!! He's growing up so fast that it's mind boggling. I wish that I could just get inside his head to see what he's thinking. Everyday he's learning so much. His vocabulary seems to really be taking off. I'm thankful for that, because it's nice to be able to carry on conversations with him finally.
So, while my parents are on their cruise, Dade and I are going to be hanging out at my parent's house taking care of Ceasar and the house in general. I'm super excited though, because my parent's have been building their animated movie collection, and they have some Disney movies that I have yet to watch. Clint's not a big fan of sitting down and watching animated movies, so I will get my fill while I'm down here.
I'm also on Spring break from graduate school as well. I start my next class on the 22nd. It was supposed to be a class on Shakespeare and Film, however, the class didn't take (meaning not enough people signed up for it), so I'm taking a Stress Management Class instead. I'm going to miss my Vampire Lit course, it was awesome reading all the different vampire books in the genre (even the ones I didn't much care for), because it opened my eyes, to a new genre within a genre.
I'm going to be watching Aidy, my nephew, Monday with Dade. The boys play really well together, it will be a great day for pictures I'm sure. If the sun is out, we might try to go to the park, but that's not likely.
I'm going to be tired tomorrow night that's for sure!!!
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