
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Monster Room

I have been working in my classroom this week.  I don't officially go back until Monday, but I like to go in and get as much done before hand as possible.  Our first week back is usually spent in meetings and the like.  This marks the start of my 5th year of teaching, and that just strikes me as weird.  I'm not sure where all that time went, but it's nice to know that I've been doing what I love for a while now.

I've gotten a lot accomplished in my new room, and with the help of our awesome janitors, I was able to get all the unnecessary furniture out of my room today.  Having wooden bookshelves in the room has helped it feel more classroom like and less office like.  I put all the metal shelves and cabinets in the back by my area.

Here are some pictures of what I have done so far.  I still have loads of things to do. For instance:  in the math wall picture there are empty pencil boxes that are waiting for math supplies to be put in for "Math Tool Kits."  I also need to level my classroom library and go through my new reading curriculum. 

I'm pleased with how my monster room looks!  I say monster, because that is the theme that I went with. 

The start of my game shelf.  I still have some that I need to bring from home. 

My reference area.  Dictionaries and writing guides to come shortly. 
 My diagonal wall with white board. My MAP Words are being held up by monsters.

Writing wall and calendar area.  I'm excited about having the computers in my room this year.

Math Wall.  All my math curriculum is going to go on the shelves. The tool kits are ready to be put together.  My bulletin board has my "monster jobs" on it.

Again, I'm pleased with how everything looks right now.   As the year goes by these walls will become covered with even more material.  I usually cover as I go.  As the year progresses I'll need to update this pictures. 

1 comment:

Debbie Pfister said...

This looks awesome. You are a such a great teacher and daughter.
Love you.