Same ol' same ol'. It's been MONTHS since I blogged last. There's a lot that has gone on in the Krause Household since then. I'll start with Dade.
Of course, we had Dade's big 3rd birthday. This year we went with the zoo theme. We rented out the education room at The Kansas City Zoo and had his cousins and little friends come out to enjoy an animal presentation. It was a lot of fun. I'm a fan of going to local places for birthday parties. We have had every party at a place that's not our house, and it's made my life SOOOOO much easier. I don't have to worry about clean-up, snacks, party favors, etc. . .
With the big birthday, came his big change at school. He moved from the toddler room to the preschool room. This change was not an easy one. The teacher that he had had since starting at KinderCare left suddenly, and the new teacher and Dade did not really get along. He was fighting us not wanting to go to school. Me being the teacher mom, talked with the director of the center about it. I'm glad that I did, because other parents were noticing the same thing with their kiddos. That teacher was let go, and another one brought in. Dade loves this teacher, and we are back to a happy kid going to school.
He is officially out of pull-ups now, and I'm happy about that. We wake him up a few times during the night to go to the bathroom, and it does the trick. He loves wearing underwear and will tell anyone within earshot that he has on "X" kind of underwear.
He starts soccer in May, and I'm excited to see him "play." It's through the YMCA. The first 3 sessions will teach them fundamentals and then the last 3 are games. I'm not sure how much playing will get done in the games, but it will be super cute that's for sure. I think he's more excited for the baseball this summer than the soccer, but he's excited nonetheless.
School's almost out. I believe there's 6 weeks left. I'm going to be teaching 4th grade next year. I get the opportunity to co-teach with a special education teacher. I'm really excited about it.
I got really sick in February, and the doctor's couldn't figure out what was wrong. At first, Clint and I thought I was pregnant. For about 2 weeks I couldn't eat and I was sick all the time. Pretty much like I was for Dade. My doctor even thought that I was, but not showing it in the tests. When it turned out that I wasn't, I was referred to an OB/GYN. More tests were run, and we figured out what was wrong. I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Which basically means that I have cysts on both of my ovaries, thus causing my body not to produce eggs. I'd been having pains on my sides and found out that was caused by the syndrome. If the pains got worse, or if I started having more problems, I have to go back to the OB/GYN for more tests. As of right now, I don't have to have surgery to remove the cysts. We'll revisit that when I go back in July.
I've started working out again at Curves. I really really enjoy it. I get my stress out there, before heading home. I've felt better since working out there. I have my first measurement day tomorrow. It's the end of my first month. I'm excited to see the results. I can tell that some of my pants fit differently in just that first month. We shall see how it goes.
Clint has been plugging away on his current project. We are nearing the end of the project and he is very anxious to see the final outcome. He's still working security at the condo. The winter months were very quiet because most of the residents went to warmer climates. However, now that it's Spring Time, things are starting to pick back up.
I got him an Xbox 360 for his birthday, and he's been waiting patiently for Brink to come out. It comes out in 2 weeks, and I'm sure that it will consume any free time that he has. I have to admit, I rather enjoy playing on the Xbox, however, most of my time is spent while he is working.
I think that's it for the bi-annually update. Once things are school come to an end for the year, I will be able to blog more.
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