
Friday, June 10, 2011

End of Another Year

The last day of school for the 2010-2011 school year is finally here.  By here, I mean Monday, however, my room is ready to go.  In August,  I did a post about my "Monster Room" and how please I was with it.  Here's a refresher of what it looked like.

Here's what it looks like now.  My room is sad and white.  Mainly because it's no longer my room. For my 5th year now in a row, I will have a different room to teach in.   Before long, I will have taught in every room on the Blue Floor at DTA.

I've already moved a bunch of my stuff into my new room, and as you can see in the second picture the teacher that will be in this room next year as already moved her stuff in.  What is left of my own stuff is the nice pile in the first picture.  Today is a half day, which means a release at 1 pm. Monday is the big "World's of Fun" Trip, for those that qualify.   I had 3 out of 19 that qualified.  It will be interesting to see who all shows up for school on Monday who doesn't get to go to WoF.

Even though school is out on Monday, I won't start my summer break until Wednesday afternoon.  I have a big conference in Columbia that I am presenting at.  I'm nervous, but I know that it will be okay.  I'll have to blog about that Tuesday evening.  

For now, I enjoy what little time I have left with my amazing kiddos!

See ya later 2010-2011!  It's been nice knowing you!

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